Demystifying Design: UI, UX, and CX — How They Work Together for Your Favorite Apps

Paril Katrodiya
2 min readApr 6, 2024


Have you ever stumbled upon an app so confusing you gave up in frustration? Or maybe you’ve been wowed by an app’s design and intuitive features, making it a joy to use. Believe it or not, these experiences all boil down to three key design concepts: UI, UX, and CX.

While their names sound similar, they each play a distinct role in shaping how we interact with digital products. Let’s break them down in a simple way, using familiar examples:

UI (User Interface): The Look and Feel

Imagine UI as the storefront window of your favorite bakery. A visually appealing display with clear labels describing the treats will entice you to step inside. UI focuses on the visual elements of an app or website — the buttons, icons, colors, fonts, and overall layout. It’s all about creating a visually pleasing and easy-to-understand experience.

  • Example: A music streaming app with a clean interface, clear icons for play, pause, and volume, and well-organized playlists makes it easy to find and enjoy your favorite songs.

UX (User Experience): The Journey Matters

Now, picture yourself entering the bakery. The friendly staff helps you navigate the displays, offers samples, and makes the entire experience smooth and enjoyable. UX focuses on the entire user journey, encompassing how users interact with the app to achieve their goals. It’s about making the experience intuitive, efficient, and ultimately satisfying.

  • Example: The music app that allows you to easily search for songs, create playlists, and personalize your settings delivers a positive UX because it caters to your needs effectively.

CX (Customer Experience): The Big Picture

Think about your overall impression of the bakery. Maybe you loved the delicious treats, friendly service, and inviting atmosphere. CX encompasses the entire customer experience, including interactions with the app, the brand’s customer service, and even marketing messages. It’s about building a positive and lasting relationship with the user.

  • Example: If the music app offers a seamless signup process, helpful customer support when needed, and exclusive content for loyal users, it’s delivering a positive CX because it goes beyond the app itself to create a great brand experience.

Here’s the key takeaway: UI, UX, and CX work together seamlessly. A beautiful interface (UI) is meaningless if it’s difficult to use (UX), and a great user experience (UX) won’t guarantee customer loyalty (CX) if the overall brand experience falls short.

The Perfect Blend: A Delicious Analogy

Think back to our bakery example. The delicious pastries (the product itself) wouldn’t be enough to keep customers coming back without the inviting atmosphere (UI), friendly service (UX), and a brand reputation for quality (CX). It’s the perfect blend of all these elements that creates a loyal customer base.

By understanding UI, UX, and CX, you can appreciate the design efforts that go into your favorite apps and websites. The next time you encounter a smooth and enjoyable digital experience, remember — it’s the result of careful consideration of UI, UX, and CX working in perfect harmony.

